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2013-01-26 18:45:19|  分类: 外文学习园地 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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外貌协会赢了:想赚钱?长相比声誉重要(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客

外貌协会赢了:想赚钱?长相比声誉重要(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客

The way you look means a lot—especially if you're in the financial industry—and the more [w]trustworthy[/w] you look to [w]potential[/w] clients, the more you'll attract higher investments.外貌很重要——尤其是对从事金融行业的人来说,更是如此。你的外表越得潜在客户的信任,你就越能吸引更多的投资。

Despite appearances and first impressions, a recently published study reports that even if people hear negative information about you, they'll still be more [w=incline]inclined[/w] to invest their money with the person whose face is [w=perceive]perceived[/w] to be more trustworthy. 最近一篇研究发现,客户除了外形和第一印象外,还很在意对方的长相,要是你的脸给他们可信度多一点,就算他们获悉了你的负面消息,仍会倾向于给你投资。

"[w]Trustworthiness[/w] is one of the most important [w=trait]traits[/w] for social and economic interactions and our study examines whether people take potentially costly actions in line with their face-based trustworthiness judgments," Chris Olivola, one of the study’s authors, said “It seems we are still willing to go with our own instincts about whether we think someone looks like we can trust them.”研究人员克里斯?奥利弗拉表示: “可信度是社会和经济交往中最重要的因素之一。而我们的研究是为了调查人们会不会用长相老实来判断是否要做出巨额的投资。调查发现,人们看起来还是喜欢用直觉来判断别人的可信度。”

Researchers from Warwick Business School, the University College London and Dartmouth College gave participants real money and asked them to choose who they'd invest with out of the face images provided. The volunteers were then given bad and good information about each of the faces, and asked again who they'd invest their money with.沃里克大学商学院、伦敦大学和达特茅斯学院的研究人员,给参与研究的志愿者现金,叫他们根据对方的长相来选择投资人。然后告诉志愿者们不同候选人的正面消息和负面消息,再问他们愿意向谁投资。

Despite knowing the different [w=reputation]reputations[/w], the outcome didn't change: [w=participant]participants[/w] were still more likely to invest their money with those who had more trustworthy-looking appearances.尽管知道了候选人的负面消息,但选择结果却没有变化:志愿者们仍然更愿意与那些长得诚实可信的人一起投资。

The team used a software created by Alex Todorov from Princeton University to produce 40 faces—20 pairs of faces at opposing ends of the trustworthiness scale—and altered features to "correspond to the way natural faces are perceived in reality."研究团队使用的是普林斯顿大学的亚历克斯?托多罗夫发明的软件,他们用该软件创作了40张脸——给人以信任感感官范围内的20对对立的脸——把这些脸的脸部特征改为“现实生活中的自然脸”。

The study says that the difference in a trustworthy face and one that isn't as much results from features that look "[w]slightly[/w] angry or slightly happy, even when these faces are ‘at rest.' "该研究表明,可信度高的脸和可信度低的脸,取决于这张脸看上去是“微微生气还是微微开心”,即使有时候脸的主人觉得自己“面无表情”。

Basically, the bottom line is saying when it comes to investing, the way you look and the way people perceive you is a lot more important than your reputation. 基本上可以概括为以下结论,要让别人投钱,你的长相和给人的感觉比你的名声重要多了。

外貌协会赢了:想赚钱?长相比声誉重要(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客外貌协会赢了:想赚钱?长相比声誉重要(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客


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