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2013-05-12 15:09:00|  分类: 外文学习园地 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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和赘肉说再见:大学生如何拥有苗条身材(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客

和赘肉说再见:大学生如何拥有苗条身材(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客

College is a time of growth, both mentally and physically. Your attitudes, morals, maturity and even your body undergo change.大学时期正值我们生理和心理的成长时期。你的态度、品行、心智甚至体重体型都会在此阶段发生变化。

However, a change in your body does not necessarily mean you have fallen into the "Freshman 15" trap. Instead, your body naturally grows and develops into a young adult. During this change, your body will appreciate you if you take the time to exercise daily and eat healthy.然而,身体变化并不一定意味着你就会应验“新生增重5磅”的说法。相反,你的身体会自然而然地生长发展成一位年轻人。如果能在这段成长期抽出时间天天锻炼,并搭配合理饮食,你便会拥有令人羡慕的好身材。

Here is my advice on some easy lifestyle changes that can help put you on the road to fitness during your college years!如何才能在大学时期选择一种健康、简单的生活方式呢?下面就是我的建议。

Step Away From the Computer远离电脑

We can’t waste our days away on the Internet. As tempting as it may seem to Facebook stalk your crush’s latest pictures from the football game, it is simply unproductive. One of the easiest ways to get in shape during college is to walk away from the computer, head out the door and into the gym. Who knows, you may discover another campus crush at your gym!我们不能把时间都浪费在上网上。尽管你很想在脸书上跟进你心仪的对象最近参加球赛照片,但这对你来说却没多大价值。要在大学期间收获好体型,最简单的一种方法就是离开电脑,到户外或去健身房。说不定你会在锻炼的时候遇到另一个校园心仪对象呢!

Eat Healthier健康饮食

Yes, in a college town filled with fast food and late night Krispy Kreme doughnuts, it could happen to you. In order to avoid the oh-so-dreaded Freshman 15, watch what kinds of foods you eat and your portion sizes. One of the best ways to get in shape during college besides exercising is eating healthy. Skip the fries for a salad and see how much better you feel!对的,在大学城里到处都有快餐店和晚间甜甜圈。为了确保自己不会为可怕的“新生增重5磅”而烦恼,一定要注意你的食物类型和分量。除了锻炼,保持体形的另一重要因素就是健康饮食。扔掉薯条、改吃沙拉的感觉其实也很不错哦!

和赘肉说再见:大学生如何拥有苗条身材(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客

Find Your Motivation找到减肥动力

Motivation is key to getting in shape during college. There will be many obstacles that you will face such as exams, socials, meetings, etc. Without motivation, it is easy to make excuses to avoid the gym. If you knew you would have been the first to die in the "Hunger Games," would that motivate you to pump up the cardio? Find whatever it is that motivates you and find a way to remind yourself of those reasons on a daily basis.要在大学期间保持体形,减肥动力是关键。考试、联谊、聚会等等都是你减肥的障碍。没有动力,很容易就能找到不去健身的借口。假设你会成为“饥饿游戏”里的第一个死者,你就有动力去做有氧运动了吧?总之要找一个减肥动机,并每天提醒自己。

Stay Positive乐观向上

There’s nothing better than to have a positive attitude when getting in shape. If all you do is complain about how out of shape you are or how you never make it to the gym, you are only hurting yourself more. Compliment yourself for working out … you deserve it!减肥过程中,积极乐观的态度也很重要。如果你只是不停抱怨自己多胖,说自己永远也瘦不下来,没办法去健身房,那你只是深深地伤害了自己。你应该为参加健身锻炼而感到自豪,这是你应得的!

Try Something New尝试新事物

Are you tired of the stationary elliptical workouts or on the treadmill for cardio? Take a friend with you and try out a class at your college’s recreation center. Many gyms offer classes such as spin cycle, kickboxing, Zumba, weightlifting, dance, step, yoga and Pilates. These classes are a great way to add variety to your workout and can burn the same amount of calories (if not more) that you would on a treadmill. Plus, it’s more fun!你是否已经厌倦在跑步机上运动呢?找个朋友一起去学校娱乐中心上上课吧。有很多健身房都教授各种课程,比如动感单车、搏击操、尊巴、举重、舞蹈、踏板操、瑜伽和普拉提等等。这些课程都能使你的健身活动变得丰富多彩,消耗的热量至少和以前在跑步机上消耗的相同。另外,你会从中获得更多乐趣!

和赘肉说再见:大学生如何拥有苗条身材(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客和赘肉说再见:大学生如何拥有苗条身材(转载) - 快乐一兵 - 126jnm5626 的博客


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