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2018-01-01 16:21:27|  分类: 文化生活园地 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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       从挪威到加沙,许许多多的隧道都隐藏在目的地之前的旅途中。它们神秘,美丽,危险,且常常比路尽头的目的地更为迷人。下面就跟随摄影师的镜头,来穿越这奇幻的地带吧。Hidden in spots from Norway to Gaza, tunnels are spectacular finds. They're mysterious, beautiful, dangerous, and oftentimes more fascinating than the destination waiting at the other end.Pass through these 11 amazing tunnels for a real travel treat.

01 美国犹他州宰恩国家公园,宰恩山卡梅尔隧道 / Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel in Zion National Park, Utah

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Windows (aka sketchy holes) in this tunnel's rocky walls offer views of Utah's gorgeous national park as you weave along the highway. One of the sandstone pillars collapsed in 1958, so the tunnel has a 24-hour electronic watch system to warn rangers before it happens again.

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02 挪威松恩-菲尤拉讷郡,拉尔达隧道 / L?rdal Tunnel in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway

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Yeah, we don't know how to pronounce any of that either. But this is the world's longest road tunnel, and that's impressive in any language. Those ooh-worthy lights and slight curves have a purpose-- they're meant to keep drivers alert during the 20-minute trip through 15 miles of what would otherwise be flat, straight darkness.

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03 冰岛西峡湾,Arnarneshamar隧道 / Arnarneshamar Tunnel in West Fjords, Iceland

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This one's a little guy, and he's not very publicized because he's hidden on a highway in Iceland. If the TV people ever got to him, though, he'd be a star in car commercials.

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04 乌克兰,克莱文附近的爱之隧道 / Tunnel of Love near Kleven, Ukraine

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This overgrown train track is straight out of a fairytale. Apparently, the natural tunnel was (and perhaps still is) used by trains delivering wood to a local factory.

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05 美国加州红杉国家公园,伐木隧道 / Tunnel Log in Sequoia National Park, California

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In 1937, a redwood fell and blocked the road at Sequoia National Park. It's been serving as a prime photo opp ever since.

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06 中国上海,外滩观光隧道 / Bund Sightseeing Tunnel in Shanghai, China

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Why take a typical ferry when you could pay five bucks to cross the river in a psychedelic light-up tunnel with blaring music and Chinese commentary? "Words can't describe how weird this is."

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07 巴哈马群岛,亚特兰蒂斯的“捕食者”泻湖 / Predator Lagoon at Atlantis, Bahamas

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Imagine kicking back in a floaty tube while barracudas and hammerhead sharks stalk you overhead. Creepy!

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08 英国东伦敦,格林尼治之脚隧道 / The Greenwich Foot Tunnel in East London

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This tunnel runs for about a fifth of a mile under the River Thames to link Greenwich with The Isle of Dogs. It's dim and dingy and would be extra cool if entrance was illegal. But alas, you're totally allowed to walk through.

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09 英国多赛特,克莱斯特彻奇修道院,绿荫隧道 / Tree Tunnel at Christchurch Priory in Dorset, U.K.

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This natural tunnel is a pretty pathway to the most "underrated of England's Great Churches."

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10 以色列耶路撒冷,希西家的隧道 / Hezekiah's Tunnel in Jerusalem, Israel

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The Bible makes reference to a tunnel network that sounds suspiciously like this one. Hezekiah's Tunnel was probably constructed as an aqueduct for the city of Jerusalem in the seventh century BC

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11 欧洲之巅少女峰的冰隧道,瑞士 / Top of Europe Ice Tunnel at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland

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As with all great natural wonders, the majestic Jungfraujoch saddle in the Bernese Mountains has a good ol' tourist attraction attached to it. Tourists love to clamber through this man-made ice tunnel within the confines of Jungfraujoch's high-altitude railway station.

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12  日本河内藤园的紫藤隧道

[组图] 多彩的河内藤园 浪漫的紫藤隧道:路人@行者

As soon as the cherry blossom season ends, the gorgeous Wisteria flowers, that hang in grape-like clusters, take their turn on the Japanese floral calendar. The Fuji Matsuri, or Wisteria Festival, is celebrated each spring in Tokyo, Shizuoka, and Okazaki.
The Ashikaga Flower Park is one of the best places to admire different varieties of wisteria, including double-petaled wisteria, giant wisteria and yellow, white, light pink or purple variants of wisteria.
[组图] 多彩的河内藤园 浪漫的紫藤隧道:路人@行者



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